Friday, August 05, 2005

Times Flies When You're Having Fun!


I love the story! It summarizes nicely the feelings I have had for many years, though I have found it to be devilishly hard to say "No" to the siren song of material wealth. Yet I am only half-way through the life I have, so all is not lost. And I say "better late than never".

We are all up to our elbows with the trials of our respective lives, but that does not mean we can't help each other get a leg up to where this fisherman is. I believe that it may take some time for us to all get there, as we are traveling in different orbits, and for crying out loud even the planets take a while to get in line with each other! We just need to begin working at it.

Unfortunately it is summer in Alaska, and no matter what our intentions the fish care little for anything but their own schedule. Not that I am a fisherman, but the analogy is the same: in the summer, time is fleeting and packed with things to do. What I am trying to say is that Rita and I have not yet connected to work on the corporation info, but please believe that we will. She and her family are deep in the fish, and I have been distracted with other responsibilities. Things will settle down once school begins. I will keep everyone posted on this site as to our progress.

In the meantime I will continue to post what pictures I have of the family. Here is one of Chad's family.

Regards to all,

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